Crossing the Blues

PS3 - The RPGs Console

The console wars wage on. There is no clear winner in site, and there may never be one. The Wii, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have all found different niches. The Wii has locked up families and younger gamers. The hardcore gamers are split down the center between the 360 and the PS3. You can argue hardware back and forth, but choosing a console comes down to two things. Note how many pixels or polygons, but can it do more then just play games, and the games themselves.
PS3 has Blu-Ray; 360 not so much. Given a Blu-Ray player is a significant fraction of the cost of a PS3, I'm sold right there. Does the 360 have great games? Yes, but the PS3 has cornered the market on high quality RPGs.

Go on, I hear you in the back. Finish your snickering about RPGers not being real gamers. SquareSoft mades it's reputation as one of the greatest game developers on RPGs. RPGs have come a long way since the first Final Fantasy. When I sit down and intend to lose a day to a game, shooters don't do it for me. Platforms are fun now and again, but after a few hours I get frustrated. Pick up one of the new RPGs, FF13, Dragonage:Origins, Mass Effect 1 or 2. You will get drawn in, the games are just fun. The characters are engaging, likable. They banter back and forth. They help pull you in, engage you in the story of the game in a way that a great novel can. Except that with these games, you choose that plot twist.

A gamer should choose their console based on what they most enjoy. The Xbox and Wii just don't provide me the same value as the PS3. I'm an RPG guy, can't beat the PS3 for that.
About the author: James Mowery is a computer geek that writes about technology and related topics. To read more blog posts by him, go to led tv.