Crossing the Blues

HaloFest for Halo Reach at GameStop

Halo: Reach is so close, so close yet so far. To tide gamers over until Reach is here GameStop has unleashed HaloFest. Taking the free stuff goodness to another level this is not just a pre-order bonus but an experience, one where Halo fans can get news, updates, enter contest and watch some sweet and funny videos. So what is HaloFest all about, let’s take a look …

It’s a Festival – The layout is a virtual fair, not clickable yet, but with a few promos to mention (below). The amount of content that will live on this page, off of this page is what makes it a true fan-fest but will fans dig it? First word needs to get out to Halo fans, especially those looking to reserve a copy of Reach, second the content has to be relevant and make fans want to come back. So let’s take a look at the content.

Pre-order – The most obvious, a link to the pre-order pages in GameStop for Halo: Reach. There is the regular Reach edition, the Limited Edition, Legendary Edition and finally the Limited Edition Halo: Reach console (sweet!). The option to submit an email for updates is a great way to stay up to speed on new content also. The number of editions and bonus content is staggering and just highlights the level of hype around Reach.

Life-sized Spartan Statue – Please note a pre-order confirmation number is needed but this is a chance to enter to win a life-size Spartan, really. Watch the making-of videos to see just how sweet these statues are.

Red vs. Blue – Oh those crazy episodes are back and special order just for HaloFest. Three exclusive episodes, one out now with two more to come, priceless fun.

This covers the content out now but there’s more to come. First is the chance to submit your story to be heard in reach and second will be Tips & Tricks from Tom “Tsquared” Taylor, pro-gamer. Tournament News will flow once competition begins as will In-Game contests so check back after the game hits. It’s really interesting to see how GameStop does with this level of coverage. Once hopes the page SEO and promo is enough to make the page a top search result and generate buzz (where is the Facebook and Twitter option) so we shall see how this goes.

Overall it’s a nice step up, a big step up, from the usual in-game free pre-order content and if it does well can gamers expect similar treatment for other triple-A titles? Let’s hope.