Crossing the Blues

BLEACH 380 Spoiler ブリーチネタバレ

Bleach 380 Spoiler : The last chapter ends with Kenpachi and Byakuya showed up. and Yammi’s leg is cut by Byakuya kido ( Hadou 33 “Soukatsui”). What do you think about it ? . Let’s find out more about the story on Bleach ブリーチ 380 Spoile.
bleach 380

BLEACH 380 Spoiler is not available yet, we will update this page as soon as the spoiler is out.

Bleach 380 Trivia : Byakuya Zanpakutō, Senbonzakura, was voted the 5th most popular Zanpakutō in a Bleach poll. Senbonzakura is the one of two known Zanpakutō with a Bankai that has a release command, with the other being Mayuri Kurotsuchi’s Ashisogi Jizō.