Crossing the Blues

Naruto ナルト 466 Spoiler

Naruto 466 Spoiler is now available . We will update this page as soon as the Naruto 466 spoiler picture is available.

Naruto ナルト 466 Spoiler Summaries

Verication : Confirmed
Credits : Ohana @2ch
Translation : on3word @ NF


466 密室の大攻防戦!!

席を立つ水影『せめて とろけるようなキスをしてあげるわ』
長十朗 は水影を守らないとと必死
水影 溶遁・溶怪の術!!(ようかい)液体を吐く
水影印を結び 沸遁・巧霧の術!!(ふっとん・こうむのじゅつ)
水影、長十朗、土影、赤土、から~ ズズズ…と 白ゼツ
見てられなくなった土影 土遁・加重岩の術!!(かじゅうがん)
土影 こんなやつにデイダラをのう… 左目に痛みサスケ
土影 恨みはないが…   塵遁・原界剥離の術!!(じんとん・げんかいはくりのじゅつ)
もろにこうげきを受けたはず~~  だけど

マダラ お前達には ある説明をする…それを理解してもらった上で
雷影 何だ!?  マダラ オレの目的 月の眼計画についてだ

466 Secret Room’s Great Battle

Standing on a seat, Mizukage: “At the least, let me give you kiss that will make you melt.”
[TN: the word とろける usually means enchanting, but in this case is a pun on the word for melt]

Karin gets pissed off

It will mean inevitable death if Chojuro doesn’t protect the Mizukage.

Preparing for battle, the Mizukage’s right cheek bulges.

Tsuchikage and Akatsuchi cling to the ceiling to avoid getting drawn into battle.

Mizukage: “Youton Youkai no Jutsu!!” She vomits liquid.
[TN: Lava Release Mysterious Solvent Technique]

Sasuke avoids using Susano’o, but Chojuro releases HirameKarei and attacks.

Sasuke is driven into the wall.

Having used Susano’o too much, too much of his chakra is consumed.

Mizukage successfully traps herself and Sasuke in the secret room.

Mizukage uses Fire, Water, and Earth natured releases.

With this, she possesses 2 Kekkei Genkai.

Mizukage performs seals Futton Koumu no Jutsu
[TN: Boil Release Skillful Mist Technique]

Karin and the others can’t see the battle.

Sasuke, starting to understand Susano’o, vomits blood.

Karin senses that chakra is fading.

Mizukage says it hurts to see such a good guy come apart and collapse.

Mizukage, Chojuro, Tsuchikage, Akatsuchi and…White Zetsu.

It appears Zetsu has been sucking up everyone’s chakra for some time.

Taking Zetsu’s attack, Sasuke’s chakra restores itself.

With Susano’o he breaks through the secret room back to the conference room where Karin is.

Unable to see, Tsuchikage uses Doton Kajyugan no Jutsu
[TN: Earth Release Aggravating Rock Technique]

Tsuchikage removes himself from Zetsu’s chakra absorbing jutsu.

Tsuchikage: “Deidara, at the hands of this brat”…Sasuke’s left eye, now in pain.

Tsuchikage: “I hold no resentment but, Jinton Genkaihakuri no Jutsu!!”
[TN: Dust Release Kingdom Detachment Technique]

The attack should have connected, but…

Madara enters carrying Sasuke.

Madara: “There’s something I want to explain to you all…But to have you understand, there’s something I want to ask.”

Raikage: “What!?”
Madara: “It involves my purpose. My Eye of the Moon plan.”

Verication : Confirmed
Credits : Nja @2ch
Translation : shounensuki @ NF


水影VSサスケ 溶遁・溶解の術をスサノオで防ぐがヒラメカレイの一撃を喰らい

血系限界?wを2つもつ水影さま 沸遁 なんとか〜
チャクラを使い切り腕が溶け始めたところに ゼツの胞子の術で水影様の体から
ゼツが生え始めチャクラを吸い取り サスケと融合チャクラが復活し密室をスサノオで破壊し
脱出 土影・付き人どももゼツに縛られているが 土影 ワイらもやるかと
ゼツから脱出し 分子レベルまで分解してしまう術をサスケにかけサスケを消し去ってしまう



お前らに 月の眼計画 の話を聞いて貰いたくてここにきた

見たいなところを言ったところで 完です

Mizukage VS Sasuke: Sasuke uses Susanoo to defend against the Mizukage’s Lava Release: Dissolution Technique¹, but takes a hit from Hiramekarei.
He flies back and is locked in a room with the Mizukage

It looks like the Mizukage has two kekkei genkai: something called Boil Release
She uses this to create a strongly acidic mist from her mouth to try and melt Sasuke…
Out of chakra, his arm begins to melt, but at that moment Zetsu uses his Spore Technique³ to grow out of the Mizukage’s body and suck up her chakra. Sasuke is revived with fusing chakra and the locked room is destroyed by Susanoo.
They escape – Zetsu binds the Tsuchikage and his attendant, but the Tsuchikage says: “Shall we get involved too then”
They escape from Zetsu. A technique is fired at Sasuke that would disassemble him at the molecular level, but Sasuke has disappeared.

Then the Raikage and Gaara enter the conference room

Then Madara appears, carrying Sasuke on his shoulder

I came here to tell you a story about the “Eye of the Moon plan”

¹ Youton: Youkai no Jutsu (溶遁・溶解の術)
² Futton or Futsuton (沸遁)
³ Houshi no Jutsu (胞子の術)


サスケは分解されて カリンも サスケのチャクラが消えちまった… 見たいな事
言ってたんだけど その後 マダラが服着たサスケを背負って登場って感じです

酸で結局溶けたのはサスケの右腕の皮だけですかね… それを見て サスケが 酸の霧か… っていってたから


Sasuke is being taken apart when Karin says “Sasuke’s chakra disappeared… it seems”
However, after she says that, she senses Madara appearing, carrying Sasuke on his shoulder.

It seems the acid did melt away the skin of Sasuke’s right arm… Seeing that, Sasuke goes “acid mist…?” and summons Susanoo to guard him against the acid, but all the cells in his body hurt… The Susanoo is still incomplete… Itachi’s was better… As the chakra collapses? Zetsu appears in the danger zone

白ゼツの方です 水影の体に巻き付いた白ゼツが
俺の胞子の術すら気がつかなかったか…五影もたいしたことないな っていい
水影のチャクラを奪い サスケにチャクラを渡しにいった


It’s White Zetsu – White Zetsu twines around the Mizukage’s body
“If only you had noticed my Spore Technique… I guess the Five Kage aren’t that great”
The Mizukage is robbed of her chakra, which is transferred to Sasuke

White Zetsu goes to the Tsuchikage and tries to bind him and his subordinates as well
The Tsuchikage escapes with extreme ease, though

カリンが サスケの…の後
土影が お前もすぐ後を追うんじゃ〜 見たいな事いってました


土影 もう分解しちまったぞいあんなやつにデイダラはやられたんか


計画話してお前らの意見も聞いてみたい って感じだったと思う><

It looks like Sasuke fainted. When he wakes up, his pride will be hurt when he finds out he’s being carried on someone’s shoulder(it’s Nja’s opinion
It refers to Madara carrying Sasuke on his shoulder, after the Tsuchikage attacked him)

Karin: “Sasuke’s… ”
Tsuchikage: “I’ll be going after you next!” or something like that
Then the Raikage and Gaara enter

“Where’s Sasuke!?”

Tsuchikage: “He’s already completely disassembled. Did that guy really kill Deidara?”

Then Madara appears

He says something like “I’m going to tell you my plans, I’d like to hear what you think about it”

Trivia : Yoton no jutsu is a high level nature manipulation technique with the combination of water and earth element to create a torrent of candle.