Crossing the Blues

Bleach 373 Spoiler picture and summaries

Bleach 373 Spoiler picture and summaries

Bleach 373 Spoiler is now available. We will update this page as soon as the spoiler picture is available.

Bleach 373 Spoiler Pictures

bleach 373

bleach 373

bleach 373

Bleach 373 Spoiler Summaries

credits : nja @2ch
verification : confirmed


ゆけ スターク!  とスターク
棍棒ともう一人の髪の長い男性の武器は鞭 金薔薇ウイップ?w 鞭の先端に薔薇

爆発から脱出し ラブ これは一体一体セロでできているぞ!?
スターク セロなんかじゃあんた達にたいしてダメージが与えられないのはわかっている
ラブ・ロンゲ !? 囲まれ一斉に爆発 瀕死の状態へ・・・

スターク もうどうだい降参したら? と空から地上へと降りて足がついた途端に

後ろから 刀が心の臓に突き刺さった所で 完です。

伸びてきたのかわかりませんが スタークの後ろには誰も書かれていませんでした

English Translation
credits :CG

The two (Rose and Love) don their masks to confront the attacking wolves.

Rose goes shikai as well, “Play (kanadero), Kinshara (golden sal tree)”.
His sword turns into a whip from the guard down. It bears a flower on the tip, maybe a rose.

Roses uses technique “Golden sal tree, the 11th sonata, 16-day-old moon rose”.
As the tip of the whip hits an opponent, he touches the whip as if he plays piano, and the tip makes an explosion.

Even though the wolves are getting beaten, there’re so many of them that it seems endless, [the tip] comes in contact with wolves and they explode.

Love still getting bombed speculates that these wolves came out of Stark’s guns’ magazines, thus they are a huge mass of ceros.

Here Stark comments that they are not ceros, they’re split pieces of his own soul, they’re like brethren in arms and lot of them obeys him becoming his weapon, these wolves are Stark and Lillynette, they are Primera, Stark Coyote and Lillynette Gingerbell’s ability. Stark says that the victory in this fight is already decided, but if they just go and run for it, he’ll spare them and leave them be.

Love who already lost his sunglasses by this time says, “Don’t underestimate us!”, and retaliates.

Starks standing on top of a telephone pole says that he doesn’t enjoy finishing his opponent off, but in this case he’s going to have to do it. And in this moment he gets stubbed from behind. The end.

Because the picture is blackened it’s hard to say definitely, but the sword seems kinda too big. Also Stark got pierced below his hollow hole, so I don’t think Stark could pull a Nnoitra on us [TN: meaning that even when Nnoitra got stubbed right into his left eye in his fight with Kenpachi, he took no damage due to his hollow hole being there]

other spoiler from nja


ラブ お前のほうこそ魔法みたいじゃないか(スターク技をみてローズの技に対して)
ローズ 魔法となんか一緒にしないでくれ 僕のは 芸術だ!!


(TN: This is Nja’s answer to a question about whether or not the sword went through Starck’s hollow hole)

Stark’s hole is around his throat, right?
He was pierced below that, in the middle of his heart.

The name of Rose’s technique was given also, but I forgot it.
He twirled (his whip) around, making explosions.

Love, observing Rose’s techniques against Starck, says it’s like Love is using witchcraft.

Rose answers that it’s not witchcraft, it’s art!

They joke around like this