Crossing the Blues

Dragonball Evolution PSP Screenshots

Dragonball Evolution, the next Dragonball title for the PSP but not quite what was expected. This fighting game is based on the upcoming Dragonball movie, the live action movie which you can confirm from the Dragonball movie trailer and the fighter images below. Seeing the trailer, well this is not the DBZ otaku have come to love, but it seems to really draw on the spirit of Dragonball, Goku's younger adventures, with a mix of the older action. Not quite sure how the movie will be or the game but hopefully this game is not slated to be like the Street Figher video game based on the movie what was based on the game ... the DB game based on the movie based on the anime, based on the manga ... it could be ugly, but should be fun for fans and the PSP is always in need of unique titles.