Ok, jury is still out on The World Ends with You from SquareEnix. Why? Because I'm still plugging away on Crisis Core (sooooooooo good) and I'm just not popping in TWEWY. The style is outstanding afterall I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan, and the music is catchy. I'll tune in later with some impressions of the gameplay, but for now here are (drumroll) some trailers to check out.
The World Ends with You - Field Trailer
Running around from screen to screen and then doing some shopping in The World Ends with You from SquareEnix.
The World Ends with You - Event Trailer
This game just bleeds style. Check out this clip of one of the events where every still screen is a work of art ... love the character design.
The World Ends with You - Battle Trailer
The battles in The World Ends with You are about as funky as they get, just like the games overall style.