Crossing the Blues

Tantric Stripfighter Trina vol. 1 Impression

Tantric Stripfighter Trina vol. 1
Tantric Stripfighter Trina from Tokyopop mixes scantily clad, well endowed ladies, mystical martial arts, high-tech weaponry, space ships and an oppressive religious run government for a cocktail that is one tasty guilty pleasure worthy of a mature teen but not adult rating.

Trina Devi is the last survivor of planet Rama, a planet once populated by a peaceful religious sect that practiced the Shaolin martial arts with tantric sensuality. From this mixture was developed the art of strip fighting. For unknown reasons the planet was set upon by mercenaries under government order to eliminate anyone on the planet. As the sole survivor, Trina is now older and out for vengeance by hunting down the slave trafficker, martial arts master and anyone else involved with this raid. Having seen her sister gunned down protecting her Trina is driven to discover the truth and why the COG and Crown government exterminated her race. Accompanied by her robot Bonds and a new apprentice in-training (almost) Chrome Abbey, these three will travel and fight until the truth is discovered and Trina discovers her own path in life besides vengeance.

Ok, from the intro above sounds pretty tame, race destroyed has lone survivor, lone survivor seeks vengeance, corrupt government behind destruction, mystery begins to unveil. Yes, the story Ken Faggio weaves is pretty standard but it’s the stripping twist and Fernando Furukawa’s art that will set this book apart from others. See, Trina has a fighting style that does not kill, it incapacitates, and the core is sensual dancing in barley any clothes … yup stripping. There are times Trina is down to her skivvies with nothing but stars covering her ample … assets. See the story is actually fun to follow, and there are times Trina shows a deep spiritual side, but this is watered down by the fact she has only stars covering her lady parts.

The art style is more detail than most any manga, really. It follows a more American comic style in its look and feel and really only its format keeps it manga classified. There was a very well drawn comic a few years back called Exposure that really upped the panty fetish factor. Never could you take this series serious and sadly Tantric is on that same course. The art is outstanding, very detailed but which galaxy exist where every woman has perfect, if not a little too big, proportions?

Overall there is a good story here mixed with interesting story points from revenge, corrupt government, sci-fi, martial arts and that creepy inquisitor. That story is brought to life by excellent art but also brought down by a ‘taken to far’ stripper concept that when all is said and done could have still been included in less proportion and severed a larger manga audience. Sadly the cover will turn off a certain number of anime fans while attracting little boys for giggles.

Claymore manga vol. 12-13 Impression

The mystery of what transpired in Pieta seven years prior is revealed in Claymore volume 12 and 13 from Viz.

 Claymore volume 12 mangaClaymore volume 12
Two sisters, one the fighter the other the anchor. Luciela and Rafaela were supposed to be the ultimate weapon for the organization, one sister keeping the other rooted in her humanity while she awakens more power within, but the lure of the awakening is too much as Luciela awakens. Rafaela survives but is a shell of her former self. Given the opportunity to find and confront her sister, atone for her past failure, Rafaela does so but will one sisters pleas change the course of death? Seven years since Pieta a group of new Claymore are sent north to handle an awakened, but are ambushed by a group of three organized awakened. 24 warriors died, but only 17 graves are found by #47 Clarice. Someone saves these ambushed Claymore but just who are they? Miria’s plan from seven years prior is revealed as the surviving members of the 24 reveal themselves, to an extent, before Clare decides to re-enter the fight after hiding. Her search for Raki continues and she is followed by her fellow survivors only to encounter Riful of the West in their first battle.

Confusing, volume 12 is confusing as the timelines do not really flesh out neatly. Is it seven years ago, seven years since, in-between? Who’s awakened, who’s not, which alliances have the Abyss creatures formed, so many questions. If reader can get by this confusion, or better yet make sense of it by a few re-reads what we get is a story much larger than just Clare, one that is carried out with excellent, unique art. The twins were introduced as just tools before with only one fate given to readers. Now the others path is revealed and their ultimate fate set before the reader. This story telling, while confusing at times, shows a deeper and darker side to the organization not just for what they did to the Claymore in Pieta but how they view these ladies as just tools. They may not eat human flesh but the Organization seems just as evil at times. Once we get to Clare and gang learning about their survival, training and how just badass they seem really offers a new wrinkle to Claymore as a manga. No longer bound to the Organization our group of survivors has their own agenda(s) and their anticipated encounter with Riful.

 Claymore volume 13 mangaClaymore volume 13
The battle with Riful of the West is not going so well for two new hunters, Audrey and Rachel, who believe their new strategy is enough to defeat a creature of the abyss. They are quickly proven wrong after Riful dissects their attack. As Clare and her group step in to rescue these fighters it’s Clare who questions Riful about the events of the past seven years. Presented with an offer to join Riful, Clare considers in order to gain the information she desires. The history of Priscilla and Isley is revealed leaving to new revelations for our survivors. As she turns down the offer she was considering it’s an angry Riful who is left with no victory and no new allies. Even with their aura suppressed the Organization sends out Clarice with the current number 4 Miata, who is just a child with incredible power. Their mission, to find a certain, long thought dead Claymore and end her life. Seven years later, new players, a new game is about to begin.

So besides the face the Organization is show in even more horrid light with their use of Miata the lines between good and evil become very blurred when Riful throws in her arguments. Here is a group, the Organization, who wants to save humanity but has shown time and again a willingness to throw away Claymore lives and work with awakened ones. Keep the conflict going without any one side making too much of a push or any foot solider becoming too independent. The survivors from Pieta should be embraced for their abilities but instead will be hunted. Seeing the faces of the Organization heads also does not scream human … just who are they. While the story began with a focus on Clare, and her search for Raki continues, the introduction of more Claymore and awakened ones with their backgrounds being fleshed out is making Claymore much more than a one woman show.

Overall these two volumes help to expand on my comment above that this is a more than one person series. Who is right, wrong and what about all the gray in-between? There is still much to be determined and readers can start to see the coming conflict, after all if Miata is number 4 who is above her?

Naruto Uncut Box Set 9 Impression

Naruto Uncut Box Set 9
Naruto’s final story arc kicks into gear as friends face off and a choices are made that will change the landscape of Naruto forever in Naruto Uncut Box Set 9 form Viz.

Having healed from his injuries an emotionally wounded Sasuke must ponder how the inferior Naruto keeps pace if not surpasses him at every turn. How is he to exact vengeance on his brother if not even Naruto can be passed? The frustration boils over as the two friends take their rivalry to new heights and truly seem willing to kill each other before Kakashi steps in. Thinking everything will work out Naruto goes on his way but Sasuke is approached by Orochimaru’s personal Sound ninja team who have an offer to join their master in order to unleash the true power of the curse mark. As Sasuke closes the door on his old life to join Orochimaru and seek revenge a newly anointed Chunin, Shikamaru, is tasked with assembling a team to retrieve Sasuke. Shikamaru, Naruto, Choji, Neji and Kiba all head out. One by one, starting with Choji, the retrieval squad must face-off with a member of the Sound ninja team. At the end Naruto comes face-to-face with Kimimaru, a very wounded and dangerous enemy. How will the fight conclude … that is for box set 10.

The animation in Naruto continues to be top notch for such a long running series, so prop there. The uncut DVD format is just perfect not only for quantity of episodes but also for offering fans a true version of the series. The voice work, solid as ever and with the tough emotional choices Sasuke makes and their affects on Naruto and Sakura we begin to see the maturing of these young ninja. The absolute best, 100%, part of this box set are the fights and story. Each member of the retrieval squad has to push their limits and none come away easily. The overconfidence of our young fighters bites them in the butt a few times, but again this goes back to the maturation process, it’s not just Naruto and Sakura, everyone is growing up. Seeing Sasuke make this choice is tough on viewers because they truly want him to be friends with Naruto and for the two to get his brother back, but sadly not every story has a happy ending and this crash course was set from the beginning. The arrival of Kimimaru is enough to send viewers into a tizzy with his seemingly incredible power and tragic past, but then the volume is over.

To date this has to be the best volume in the uncut series. Not only does it continue the excellent voice work and animation but the action steps up to a new level and the maturation process gets viewers set not only for what is to come in volume 10 but also for the true transition to Shippuden. If only all anime could be this engaging, but if that were the case then this would just be ordinary, not extraordinary.

PlaySpan Market Place & Ragnarok

So I decided to affiliate with a legit gaming purchase, microstransaction site called PlaySpan and I'm very interested to see how this ... plays out. It seems very cool with tons of games to pick from so I figured lets take a look shall we. I'd love to hear what some of you out there think about this program, if it's good I keep it rolling and look at their promo, like Ragnarok below, if it's sketchy then say bye-bye ... but I don't think that will happen. So check it out and give some feedback, good times.
Buy Ragnarok - Hunting Pack, Survival Pack or Siege Mode Pack, the New Way! At PlaySpan- the Megastore for virtual goods.

King of Hell vol. 20 and 21 Impression

Ah, King of Hell, one of the best manga that is really a manwha but oh so good. Story by Ra In-Soo with art by Jae-Hwan Kim (Warcraft Sunwell trilogy artist) the story of Majeh is easy to follow and packed with action. Volumes 20 and 21 do not stray from this course as the fights are fast and furious and the good guys don’t always win. Let’s take a closer look …

 King of Hell volume 20
King of Hell volume 20
Majeh, Young, Chung Poong and Dohwa are all in the Sa Gok headquarters and each are faced with a unique challenge. Majeh is teamed up with the formerly missing Insane Hounds, Young and Chung Poong have a date with a wolf man and a steel bodied fighter while Dohwa and Cerberus take on a series of living dolls. Majeh encounters a female fighter who offers him the choice to follow for a better fight, which he takes up while Young and Chung Poong realize they have a ways to go to go with their strength and technique promoting flashbacks for Poong. It seems almost everyone is overmatched except for Majeh

Not a lot of commentary in this volume, the meat comes from Chung Poong’s history. Both Majeh and Dohwa find themselves advancing on their paths, one through his own choice the other through being captured. Seeing also that Poong is not as strong as he believes offers a layer of depth that most action based stories gloss over, the hero always wins but not here. The story continues in this volume but by no means is it resolved. The art is sweet as always. I’ve said it before that it’s not the best in the world but it reminds me so much of DBZ in not only action and speed but some of the design.

 King of Hell volume 21King of Hell volume 21
All the fighters are now in one place and the Sa Gok present Majeh with an interesting dilemma. Face his allies in battle, over a snake pit of course, or the captured Dohwa dies. As she hangs Dohwa must reflect on her past, ties to the Sa Gok and how her brother is still the same age as when she last saw him and on top of that in with the Sa Gok (whew!) its’ time for a look at Dohwa’s background, and a fight to the death for Majeh as he takes on first the Insane Hounds then Hyur who unexpectedly shows up.

More action, but meat of this story is Dohwa background. The way Majeh pounds on the hounds is a trip, and the brutality surprises even the Sa Gok. The arrival of Hyur allows for the two fighters to have their long awaited re-match but also to take pot shots at the Generals watching … which they of course are accused of cheating by doing. The story ends with Majeh and Hyur exposed for what they are trying and like every volume of King of Hell it’s over much too soon. BUT the best part of this book, the additional CSI spoof that takes readers through the murder of Majeh. It’s good and shows a different side of King of Hell.

Overall this is a great action series, but because of how heavy on action and light on text it is I’d suggest picking up 3-4 volumes at a time for best enjoyment. The art is outstanding and unique, action fast and sweet to read. A great series, something fans don’t need to be told but that noobs need to know.

Wanted – Shojo Beat Manga Impression

Wanted Shojo Jump Manga
Wanted … more volumes of Wanted from Viz. This manga has a very Caribbean feel to it, a certain inspiration that fans of those movies will enjoy. Matsuri Hino has crafted a very enjoyable manga that reminds not only of Pirates of the Caribbean but also the Princess Bride.

Armeria is in search of her childhood love, a boy named Luce, who was taken by the infamous pirate Skulls when they were young. Now older and ready to seek out Luce, Armeria disguises herself as a boy and boards the pirate ship of Skulls all in search of Luce. As Skulls discovers Armeria is a girl there is also a discovery she makes about Skulls. Where is the young boy she loved enough to search out and as an adopted member of Skulls pirate crew she will encounter not only the rough life of a pirate but also interesting encounters with the Navy and even more unexpected relationships. The high seas are a very interesting place in the 17th century Mediterranean, something Armeria finds out rather rudely as she sails with Skulls.

First the art is beautiful. This is delicious Shojo that both guys and gals can enjoy. There is nothing ground breaking about the character deigns, backgrounds or settings but everything just fits and feels right. The story is what is so charming about this mange. Wanted takes the best of Pirates and mixes it with Princess Bride for a story that is touching at times and quite hilarious at others. The truths Armeria and encounters she has show a softer side to a certain someone while her adjustment to being on a pirate ship is where the humor comes in. These story points mixed with naval encounters and a specific treasure hunt just feel like the beginning, but sadly it’s both that and the end. See this is my only gripe with Wanted, it’s too short. This reader found himself enjoying these adventures and wanting more, wanting to see relationships fleshed out more but sadly they are not. The extra story, Spring Cheery Blossoms, is nice but not a good as Wanted.

Overall the art is classic Shojo, the story a touching mix of romance, action and humor but it’s too short a journey for what could be a great series. Hino mentions more ideas for Wanted so here’s to hoping those ideas take flight … set sail into a new volume for readers.

Dark Side of the Horse VII

Sad to say this is most likely to be my last Dark Side of the Horse. Keeping up with the various Star Wars comics is taxing and not easy on my pocket or the generosity of Dark Horse. You’ll note that the books I’m covering below are a few, quite a few, volumes behind as I have not even wrapped up Vector which was a 2008 event. That being said I’ll of course still tackle Dark Horse properties, Blood + for example and look for movie tie-ins and other hot items, but for now lets take a look at the (possibly) final installment of Dark Side of the Horse. Who knows, things are not always as they seem and while the Sith may have seemed exterminated, ditto for the Jedi, they can and have come back in full force … read what you may from this …

 Knights of the Old Republic #30Knights of the Old Republic #30
Zayne is up to his neck in trouble as he’s captured after obtaining evidence of the stash of Sith artifacts which Lucien and his alliance is holding. Things are as bad as they seem as Zayne must face off with Master Feln, one of the conspirators with Lucien, who is plunging his own tribe into darkness along with himself. As the fight reaches its conclusion Feln is a victim of the rules of his tribe that brought him to power and now see his downfall. Zayne is quick to leave as yet another Master fades into history.

So this story is a continuation and the core is the fate of Feln, but overall the art is just not that great. For such a dark time, a dire conflict the colors are vivid and bright and the expression of each character, body proportions, it just takes away from what is a very intriguing storyline.

 Knights of the Old Republic # 31Knights of the Old Republic # 31
Zayne, having dealt with Feln, now shifts his focus to a return to Corsuant and a reveal of the Sith artifacts which Lucien is keeping hidden from the Jedi Council. One little problem, the fleet waiting for Zayne and crew around the planet, so just how to get planet side? The tricks of the trade, a bit of starship slight of hand and Zayne is on the ground ready to reveal what he knows and take down Lucien and his alliance once and for all … but an unexpected host is waiting for them as they leave their ship.

The art continues in its comical manner as stated above and the story continues to progress at a much more rapid pace as Zayne will come face-to-face with Lucien. The best thing about this volume of KOTOR is the anticipation for what is to come. Zayne vs. Lucien is what drives this story, Lucien’s goals and all that was taken from Zayne because of a prophecy.

 Knights of the Old Republic #32Knights of the Old Republic #32
The tricks have been used, now it time to put up against Lucien. Plans begin to unravel and truths are revealed. The alliance, the covenant has its own little dirty secrets and of course when dealing with evil, evil turns upon itself no matter how right those taking the actions may be.

Finally the fight we want and more plot twist. Readers, if you’ve followed the story this far you will not be upset at what you get, which is why I’m so vague above. As for the art it’s excellent, more realistic and helps to really set the tone and mood to what is should be, quite a fine chapter.

 Star Wars: Rebellion #15, Vector Part 7Star Wars: Rebellion #15, Vector Part 7
Vector continues as Luke and Han take a team to an isolated planet to investigate a strange presence. The planet just happens to be one containing an infected Celeste, stranded right where Vader left her 20 some odd years earlier. Let’s just say time has not softened our infected Jedi and as she encounters Luke that little Sith voice in her head convinces her to confront Luke.

Vector is by far one of the most enjoyable comic experiences I’ve read since … Marvel’s Inferno of the last century. Luke’s encounter with Celeste is tasty and seeing how she’s changed is good storytelling. The art is excellent, characters recognizable and everything sets up for a larger clash in volume 16.

 Star Wars: Rebellion #16, Vector Part 8Star Wars: Rebellion #16, Vector Part 8
Vector part 8 continues the fight between Luke and Celeste as Han and the other very infect able humans get to their ship only to be separated from Luke and Leia. The talisman decides to go after a new, potentially more powerful and bendable host only to be stopped by Celeste. As Luke and Leia make their escape Celeste manages to obtain a ship and gives a quick fly-by hello to an old heavy breathing buddy.

Celeste is the star of this book as her challenges and choices trump those of both Luke and Leia. She makes a very difficult decision and her little hello to Vader is just priceless. The art is excellent yet again and the story set in Vector continues.

Star Wars: Legacy #25Star Wars: Legacy #25
Their nest discovered Cade, Syn and the rest of their friends make their way to a hidden Jedi Temple that Cade’s uncle helped establish. Little to our bounty hunters realize but they are being tailed by a group of Imperial Knights, sold out by one of their own. As they enter the hidden temple Syn comes face-to-face with his father’s killer and must himself decide the best course or vengeance.

By far Legacy has the best art of any comic on this list. All three volumes are very well drawn, detailed showing great emotion, darkness, humor and proper action that the Star Wars legacy deserves. That goes for all three Legacy comics covered here so I won’t repeat. The story is a bridge to bigger things. The there are alliances formed against Darth Krayt and the stage is getting set for some all out action.

 Star Wars: Legacy #26Star Wars: Legacy #26

Syn encounters the Jedi who felled his father only to be presented with the truth of who his father really was. Cade also must fight with a former friend to prove his true intentions as the new Jedi, Imperial alliance kicks in it’s Cade who decides to take the fight to the Sith.

Short summary, but great story points. We’ve got Syn with some major revelations and Cade taking the role of a leader, not a Jedi, but one with power who must face and destroy Krayt if there is to be hope for the galaxy after what befell the Mon-Calamari (SPELLING). This is one storyline that is going to be epic on a very Star Wars level.

 Star Wars: Legacy #27Star Wars: Legacy #27
A side-story as Darth WyYrlok take a journey to seek greater power and confront the Spirit of Darth Andeddu, a long deceased Sith. Their fight is on they physical and to a grander scale the mental plain. The living will survive but at what price?

The price is one hell of a sweet one-shot side story where two Sith put their minds to the test. Not knowing much or really caring much about this particular Sith did not take away from the enjoyment of seeing two twisted mind go at it for domination of each other. A really good read that requires no ties to any prior story.

Overall these books have been great, especially Vector. Fans already know this and I’m just a bit sad that I’m so behind in these updates. Fortunately Dark Horse is really good about doing collected volumes so maybe I’ll start taking a look at those. See you on the flip side.

Trinity Blood

The background is in the distant future after the destruction brought about by Armageddon. The war between the vampires and the humans continue to persist. In order to protect the humans from the vampires, Vatican has to rely on other allies to counter the situation. The protagonist, a priest called Peter Abel Nightroad, travels through the countries as a representative for the Vaticans. However, he is also part of "Ax", a special operations group controlled by the Cardinal Catherina. His encounter with a young girl called Esther will determine the struggle and survival between the human race and the vampires.

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Episodes: 24

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Ghost in the Shell (all movies & tv series) [Dual audio,x264]

Too play these files, I recommend installing CCCP codec pack and play the files with Media Player Classic. Simply use "navigate" on the player options to switch audio and select subtitles.

Ghost in the Shell (movie,x264,310mb)[Dual Audio,mkv]

In the year 2029, the barriers of our world have been broken down by the net and by cybernetics, but this brings new vulnerability to humans in the form of brain-hacking. When a highly-wanted hacker known as 'The Puppetmaster' begins involving them in politics, Section 9, a group of cybernetically enhanced cops, are called in to investigate and stop the Puppetmaster. The pursuit will call into question what makes a human and what is the Puppetmaster in a world where the distinction between human and machine is increasingly blurry.

Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Nov 18, 1995
Producers: Production I.G, Production Reed
Genres: Sci-Fi, Psychological, Police, Mecha
Duration: 1 hr. 23 min.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Originally ripped by AHQ
Re-encoded and uploaded by steveyk

password: steveykgits

Streaming video


Ghost in the Shell: Innocence (movie,x264,364mb)[Dual Audio,mkv]

The heavily cyborged police officer Batou, newly partnered with the mostly-human Togusa after the diappearance of Major Motoko Kusanagi, is assigned to investigate a series of murders committed by prototype "sexaroids" - female androids created for sex.

Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Mar 6, 2004
Producers: Production I.G, Bandai Entertainment
Genres: Sci-Fi, Psychological, Police, Military, Mecha, Drama
Duration: 1 hr. 40 min.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Originally ripped by [Blitz][Katana]
Re-encoded and uploaded by steveyk

password: steveykgits

Streaming video


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (x264,65mb-/+)[Dual Audio,mkv]

In the future, life between the digital and physical world has been blurred. The boundary of technology and humanity has been stretched beyond imagination with lives being led in both the electronic and physical worlds. With the melding of man and machine – a new cybernetic level of existence is being created - An existence that continues to redefine mankind.

Type: TV
Episodes: 26
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 1, 2002 to Oct 1, 2003
Producers: Production I.G, Kodansha, Trilogy Future Studio, Bandai Entertainment
Genres: Sci-Fi, Police, Military, Mecha, Action
Duration: 25 min. per episode
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Originally Ripped by [Blitz][Katana]
Re-encoded and uploaded by steveyk

password: steveykgits
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Episode 26


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG (x264,62mb-/+)[Dual Audio,mkv]

In a futuristic world where the internet and cybernetics has blurred the borders between societies; the members of Public Security Section 9 are reinstated to assist in solving numerous cases of cyber crime.A spate of similar crimes committed by separate suicidal groups known as "The Individual Eleven" becomes the core focus for Section 9 as war approaches in the form of refugees flooding into the country.

Type: TV
Episodes: 26
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jan 1, 2004 to Jan 8, 2005
Producers: Production I.G, Bandai Entertainment
Genres: Shounen, Sci-Fi, Police, Mystery, Military, Mecha
Duration: 25 min. per episode
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Originally ripped by [Blitz][Katana]
Re-encoded and uploaded by steveyk

password: steveykgits
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Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society(x264,387mb)[Dual Audio,mkv]

A.D. 2034. It has been two years since Motoko Kusanagi left Section 9. Togusa is now the new leader of the team, that has considerably increased its appointed personnel. The expanded new Section 9 confronts a rash of complicated incidents, and investigations reveal that an ultra-wizard hacker nicknamed the "Puppet Master" is behind the entire series of events.

Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Sep 1, 2006
Producers: Production I.G, Bandai Entertainment
Genres: Shounen, Sci-Fi, Police, Mystery, Military, Mecha
Duration: 1 hr. 45 min.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Originally ripped by [Blitz][Katana]
Re-encoded and uploaded by steveyk

password: steveykgits

Streaming video


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (x264,406mb)[Dual Audio,mkv]

Compilation movie of the "Individual Eleven" story from Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig series.

Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jan 27, 2006
Producers: Production I.G, Bandai Visual, Bandai Entertainment
Genres: Sci-Fi, Mecha, Action
Duration: 2 hr. 40 min.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Re-encoded and uploaded by steveyk

password: steveykgits

Streaming video

Sekirei MKV [H.264] [DVD version]

Total episode's: 12 [Completed]
File : MKV
Language: Japanese
Subtitle's: English
File size: around 240+ Mb's
Genre: action, comedy, magic, romance
Themes: Ecchi, Fanservice, Harem

Plot Summary: Minato Sahashi is extremely intelligent, yet due to his inability to cope under pressure has failed the college entrance exam twice. As a result he has been branded an idiot and loser by many. One day after talking to his yet again disappointed mother he comes into contact with a girl named Musubi who was under attack. The girl runs but takes him with her and soon finds that Minato, while unknown to him, is an Ashikabi, one of the mysterious set of masters that have the genetic trait that can become partners with some of the 108 cute girls, buxom women, and bishōnen called "Sekirei". The reason for the partnership allows the Sekirei to use all their power to win in the competition held by the mysterious MBI corporation.

MegaUpload links:
Episode 1:
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Episode 6:
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
Episode 11
Episode 12:

Rapidshare links:
Episode 1:

Episode 2

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Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8:

Episode 9:

Episode 10:

El Cazador De la Bruja

El Cazador is the story of a girl named Ellis, who finds herself on the run from the so called Hunters of the underground society due to being a suspect of a murder. She meets up with a bounty hunter named Nadie who offers her help and guidance to pursue the truth of her past. But now she`s also being targeted by the Hunters and so their quest for the truth begins.

Episode 01 : Megaupload
Episode 02 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 03 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 04 : Up-File | | Megaupload
Episode 05 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 06 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 07 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 08 : Megaupload
Episode 09 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 10 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 11 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 12 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 13 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 14 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 15 : FileHO | Megaupload
Episode 16 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 17 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 18 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 19 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 20 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 21 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 22 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 23 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 24 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 25 : Up-File | Megaupload
Episode 26 : Up-File | Megaupload

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05
Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10
Episode 11 | Episode 12 | Episode 13 | Episode 14 | Episode 15
Episode 16 | Episode 17 | Episode 18 | Episode 19 | Episode 20
Episode 21 | Episode 22 | Episode 23 | Episode 24 | Episode 25
Episode 26

Death Note [.mkv]

Yagami Light is an ace student with great aspects who’s bored out of his mind. One day he finds the Death Note, a notebook held by a shinigami (Death God). With the Death Note in hand, Light decides to create a perfect world. A world without crime or criminals. However when criminals start dropping dead one by one, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer.

Type: MKV
Size: ~60 MB
Audio: English
Subs: None
Status: Complete (37/37)

The Quality is not as good as my usual encodes but it is still good for this size.

encoded and Uploaded by vgpd

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
Episode 11:
Episode 12:
Episode 13:
Episode 14:
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
Episode 17:
Episode 18:
Episode 19:
Episode 20:
Episode 21:
Episode 22:
Episode 23:
Episode 24:
Episode 25:
Episode 26:
Episode 27:
Episode 28:
Episode 29:
Episode 30:
Episode 31:
Episode 32:
Episode 33:
Episode 34:
Episode 35:
Episode 36:
Episode 37:


Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
Episode 11:
Episode 12:
Episode 13:
Episode 14:
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
Episode 17:
Episode 18:
Episode 19:
Episode 20:
Episode 21:
Episode 22:
Episode 23:
Episode 24:
Episode 25:
Episode 26:
Episode 27:
Episode 28:
Episode 29:
Episode 30:
Episode 31:
Episode 32:
Episode 33:
Episode 34:
Episode 35:
Episode 36:
Episode 37:

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Alternative title:
Gurren Lagann
Gurren-Lagann (Japanese)
Maiking Break-Through Gurren-Lagann
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (Japanese)
Гуррен-Лаганн - На прорыв (Russian)
天元突破グレンラガン (Japanese)
천원돌파 그렌라간 (Korean)
Genres: action, adventure, comedy, drama, science fiction
Themes: Mecha, Super Robot

Plot Summary: In their closed-off underground village, Kamina and Simon chafe at the limits imposed by the village elder. Yet all this will change, when Simon stumbles across a fantastic device - just as the village’s peace is broken by a violent intrusion.
Article from ANN

Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27

Girls Bravo (Season 1-2) + Uncensored Versions

Small for his age, Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life. Now in high school, he has developed a rare condition: whenever girls touch him, or even come close, he breaks out in hives. Imagine his surprise, when he is suddenly transported to the city of Seiren on a mystic world invisibly orbiting the Earth, and populated with vast numbers of women and very few men. Fortunately, he has a new friend, Miharu-chan, whose touch inexplicably doesn't affect him.

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen
Total: 24 Episodes
(Season 1-2)
Vintage: 1998

Format: RMVB / Japanese Audio / Eng Subbed
Filesize: Season 1 not encoded by me 45mb + but good quality full screen
Year: 2004-2005
Uploaded / Encoded by DevilMage

Season 1
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11
Season 2
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24

Format: RMVB (Mirrors) / Subbed
Filesize: ~50-80Mb
Uploaded by Midoban

Season 1
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11
Season 2
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13

Subber: LIME
Format: mkv / dual-audio
Rmvb encoded, Dual Audio MKV's
Size: ~ 100mb
Uploaded by herano

Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11

Format: MKV / Dual Audio [Engl & JPN]
Filesize: ~ 50-55MB
Fansub: LIME Anime[LIME]
Re-encoded and Uploaded by AccessKey

Season 01 Episode 01
Season 01 Episode 02
Season 01 Episode 03
Season 01 Episode 04
Season 01 Episode 05
Season 01 Episode 06
Season 01 Episode 07
Season 01 Episode 08
Season 01 Episode 09
Season 01 Episode 10
Season 01 Episode 11

Format: MKV / Dual Audio [Engl & JPN]
Filesize: ~ 51-53MB
Length: ~23-24 min
Fansub: LIME Anime[LIME]
Re-encoded and Uploaded by AccessKey

Season 02 Episode 01
Season 02 Episode 02
Season 02 Episode 03
Season 02 Episode 04
Season 02 Episode 05
Season 02 Episode 06
Season 02 Episode 07
Season 02 Episode 08
Season 02 Episode 09
Season 02 Episode 10
Season 02 Episode 11
Season 02 Episode 12
Season 02 Episode 13